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The Barely Podcasting Podcast

Jul 30, 2007

Busy weekend pushes the release out a day. Sorry about that. But the reviews are back! BARELY INTRO: Steve's Midlife Crisis I am the fireman How not to sit She thinks I am thinking something else I am an observant father Where to sit BORAT What you can't take out of Chicago BARELY REVIEW: The [...]

Jul 23, 2007

Back to a regular show with feedback and everything. I hope you all enjoy it! BARELY INTRO: Listener James Moron and his car Who broke the chair? Jet Fighters EVERY YEAR You work where? e-Mail subject lines My Keyboard Rain gods don't like me Listener Kate's links are here. The Blogathon is July 28! Help [...]

Jul 15, 2007

I am back and my desktop PC dies. I am going with what I have at the moment, and the voice mails will have to wait until my PC is back up and running. In the mean time I got this show out. BARELY INTRO: Wicked Good Podcast It is all about the vacation/family reunions.

Jul 11, 2007

Somehow I am such a tech-tard that I can't figure out how to make this a web only download, so I am not doing it that way. I am putting this out as a full show, my longest to day, but it is the full interview with JC Hutchins, author of 7th Son. Since it [...]

Jul 9, 2007

Well this is my back up episode. I have wanted to do an all music show, and here it is. I used to be a DJ in high school and this is the first time I have tried this in 16 years now. I hope you enjoy, and remember all these songs have been played [...]