For those of you long time followers to the site will remember back on December 21, 2006 I had a post like this. That was the day I broke 10,000 downloads. Well yesterday I had another milestone in the same vein. On Thursday August 28, I broke the next milestone in download numbers. While it [...]
Category:general -- posted at: 12:28am CST

I am back from the Expo and here is what happened. You really though that what happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas? Really? With a bunch of podcasters who love to talk? You need to learn that what happens with a podcaster, the whole world knows! BARELY INTRO: Random from Sturgeon’s Law Don’t take this [...]
Direct download: 114Barely.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:52pm CST

I am back and getting ready to leave for the New Media Expo in Las Vegas in just a matter of hours! I had to get this show out before then. I hope you like it and I might be back at the END of the week with an Expo recap! BARELY INTRO: Me and [...]
Direct download: 113Barely.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:16am CST

A dork, geek, former party guy, and a father telling all about life from his demented perspective.

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