I am back and I appreciate you all sticking around in another unexpected break. I love tech issues. I have a special person to intro the show, whom you will be all impressed with. BARELY INTRO: Special Guest Skycaps Anyone watch American Pie PBS Narrator I'm Hot Where not to meet women Custody Battle Again, [...]
Direct download: 103Barely.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:11pm CST

Thanks for allowing me to take a week off. I can't say it won't happen again, because I have a feeling it will. Well Let's get in to the shownotes! BARELY INTRO: Just Not Right Blue Radar Pirate Car Bar Hopping 1 Bar Hopping 2 Bar Hopping 3 Louisiana Moron They are lying My New [...]
Direct download: 102Barely.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:15am CST

A dork, geek, former party guy, and a father telling all about life from his demented perspective.

E-Mail: Barely@BarelyPodcasting.com
NEW Voice Mail: (206) 984-DORK (3675)

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