Wed, 24 December 2008
I am back and I am not podfading, it has just been really slow lately. Lets get in to the show! BARELY INTRO: Podsafe Comedy Countdown Cougar Bait Snow and drivers Who'se lost Bossy It is a short show, but it is the last one of 2008. I hope you all have a happy and [...]
Direct download: 120._Barely_Cougar_Bait_-_Voice_Mail_206-_984-3675.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:30pm CDT |
Fri, 28 November 2008
Yes the holiday season has begun. People out getting gifts for their friends and family. I too have been getting things from my family. I have also been thinking about my life (yes for those of you who have read the pure blog posts will see a lot of things happen towards the end of [...]
-- posted at: 4:47pm CDT
Wed, 26 November 2008
I am back, and I will hopefully be getting shows back out on a regular schedule again. Enjoy episode 119 BARELY INTRO: The Big Show Chewed out for nothing Opps, I did it again Jack-o-lantern eyes A business card Vote for me Butt Steak Two places at once Here is the link for the news [...]
Fri, 21 November 2008
November 20, 2006 is one of the many days in my life that makes a big mark. It was the day that I took action to change my life. Early that morning my then-wife and I dropped off my daughter at my folks place at 5 in the morning and went to the hospital. By [...]
-- posted at: 1:44pm CDT
Thu, 6 November 2008
This is the recap of my trip to the cornfields of Central Illinois to visit my good friends Matt and Amy from the Redboy Podcast. Enjoy the show! Next week I will have a regular show out!
Wed, 29 October 2008
I will try to get better with releasing shows on time. I have to start with one, right? BARELY INTRO: Redboy Podcast feat. Absolute Amy Bad Customer Service Dont Bend Over NORM I Am Forgetful Motorcycle Chick Slow Train Loud Engines Princess Geek Thanks for downloading! -Barely
Sun, 12 October 2008
I am back from my hiatus and thank you for sticking around. Today's show is a bit out of format as I have a guest! My first "In Studio" guest is Dale from The Badgercast, The Philosophy Guy Show and Podsafe Comedy Countdown. There is no feedback on this episode, you will have it all [...]
Sun, 28 September 2008
Sorry folks about the delay. I am not podfading at all. I was planning to record tonight, but some issues came up that is making me delay the show, probably a week or two. I appreciate your patience on my spotty schedule while life has been interesting on my end. Once everything settles down I [...]
-- posted at: 10:22pm CDT
Sat, 13 September 2008
I am NOT podfading, I was just a bit lazy. I will get my next episode out sooner than it took me to get this one out. Once I have enough I will get that one to ya, but I have this one out now. BARELY INTRO: Jake from Just Not Right Attic work Man [...]
Sat, 30 August 2008
For those of you long time followers to the site will remember back on December 21, 2006 I had a post like this. That was the day I broke 10,000 downloads. Well yesterday I had another milestone in the same vein. On Thursday August 28, I broke the next milestone in download numbers. While it [...]
-- posted at: 12:28am CDT
Sat, 23 August 2008
I am back from the Expo and here is what happened. You really though that what happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas? Really? With a bunch of podcasters who love to talk? You need to learn that what happens with a podcaster, the whole world knows! BARELY INTRO: Random from Sturgeons Law Dont take this [...]
Wed, 13 August 2008
I am back and getting ready to leave for the New Media Expo in Las Vegas in just a matter of hours! I had to get this show out before then. I hope you like it and I might be back at the END of the week with an Expo recap! BARELY INTRO: Me and [...]
Sat, 26 July 2008
This is a shorter show today, but I think it is just as good! I hope to have one more out before PME in Vegas in Mid-August. BARELY INTRO: Shelly from Shellys Podcast Backing Up Elevator Etiquette 1 Elevator Etiquette 2 That Stinks! Bad Marketing Bad dad
Tue, 8 July 2008
I take a vacation and find stories galore! BARELY INTRO: Dani from the Truth Seekers Sing Along Take pictures Stopping Will Call TIMMY at the game Heat? Golfing Singing unknown songs Twinkle Twinkle Thanks for downloading -Barely
Mon, 30 June 2008
Ok nothing to say here so lets get in to the shownotes: BARELY INTRO: The Big Show Nice Shirt! Old Train vs. New Train New Shirt Taxi and the Firetruck Business Cards I ate what? Plug it in! Line Cutters My daughter and garbage Thanks for listening - Barely
Tue, 10 June 2008
We are back! BARELY INTRO: The Big Show Naked Guy They hate me Food trip Smoking protesters Gawkers CHiPS What not to wear Put a shirt on Showers My Little Girl again Thanks for listening -Barely
Tue, 20 May 2008
We are back and have a fun filled show. Lots of news on this one. BARELY INTRO: Random from Sturgeon's Law Pulled over Get gas before Locked in Pulled over again Ringtones Employed again PME/NME Shirt My daughter is back Thanks for listening! Barely
Sat, 10 May 2008
Yep I recorded at 3 in the morning. WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?!?! I so need to make sure I am better prepared. Here is the train wreck. BARELY INTRO: Corby from the Twisted Pickle Where is Marty McFly? And she was HOT! I am too old for this Karaoke with what sings? Blue Tux Fat [...]
Sat, 3 May 2008
I will mention this shirt on episode 107, but I wanted it to be out there before I release the episode. TWO of you have contacted me about it, and I have already made my purchase. EDIT I forgot to mention the short on episode 107. I shouldn't do shows at 3:30 in the morning. [...]
-- posted at: 12:04am CDT
Tue, 22 April 2008
Yep 106 is out. I wanted to do one more segment, but I will have to wait until next week. That was the reason for the delay. I hope to have it on next week's show. BARELY INTRO: Listener Crystal from AZ Birthday recap His lifestyle Lost It is seasonal Where's the regular drinks Flight [...]
Wed, 9 April 2008
Computer problems fixed and episode 105 is coming to ya! Thanks for sticking around, and here is what you waited for. Enjoy! BARELY INTO: Don't Tickle Me from the Philosophy Guy Show Metal Detector guy Turn Right My Uninformed Biography from Andycast Arranging a room There is no X Foul Balls Thanks for downloading
Mon, 31 March 2008
This is a show from my weekend travels to the cornfields of central Illinois, to look out on the Boulevard of said cornfields. Yep, I took a trip to visit Redboy and Absolute Amy. This is what happened. BARELY INTRO: Redboy and Absolute Amy Shownotes from Redboy Quick Hits This week are joined by our [...]
Wed, 26 March 2008
I am back and I appreciate you all sticking around in another unexpected break. I love tech issues. I have a special person to intro the show, whom you will be all impressed with. BARELY INTRO: Special Guest Skycaps Anyone watch American Pie PBS Narrator I'm Hot Where not to meet women Custody Battle Again, [...]
Mon, 3 March 2008
Thanks for allowing me to take a week off. I can't say it won't happen again, because I have a feeling it will. Well Let's get in to the shownotes! BARELY INTRO: Just Not Right Blue Radar Pirate Car Bar Hopping 1 Bar Hopping 2 Bar Hopping 3 Louisiana Moron They are lying My New [...]
Thu, 21 February 2008
Ok I am not sure I have mentioned this on the show, but my sister has been pregnant for a while now. Yesterday I got the news that my Nephew was born! An 8 pound red head! Oh it was a good day indeed! My little girl and I are going to head out to [...]
-- posted at: 12:29pm CDT
Mon, 18 February 2008
It is the start of another century of Barely Podcasting. I can't believe it. thanks for listening for so long and sticking around for even more. BARELY INTRO: Don't Tickle Me from The Philosophy Guy Show It is a show? Laughing in church Who is in the neighborhood? My cats hate me BARELY REVIEW: For [...]
Sun, 10 February 2008
Well I made it folks. I am in the century club. It has been a wild ride, and this show just shows where I am now. I must thank you all for hanging around with me for the ride, which I feel is just beginning. Scary eh? BARELY INTRO: Frank from Shelly's Podcast Don't smoke [...]
Sun, 3 February 2008
Barely here? Guest Host: Andrew formerly of Chat Buffett Barely Japan stories revisited The History of Barely Barely almost 100 and... The elusive Episode 3! Enjoy!
Sun, 27 January 2008
This one is short, like they were in the beginning of the show (hence the show title). Sometimes short and sweet is the best. BARELY INTRO: Podsafe Comedy Countdown ATM Guy They are numb Shaving Hold Calling Thanks for downloading
Tue, 22 January 2008
I am back from an unexpected hiatus. Thanks for standing by me in the week off (I promise I am not going bi-weekly). BARELY INTRO: Redboy Podcast Featuring Absolute Amy My undies How can I work Repeat Is that legal Another IT issue Pain in my ass Yet ANOTHER IT issue Dude, where is my [...]
Wed, 16 January 2008
I had an unexpected change that happened in my life. I am trying to cope with it the best I can. I tried to get a friend to do an episode. I somehow didn't get that right, so that is why there hasn't been a show in a while. While all this has been going [...]
-- posted at: 1:01am CDT
Sat, 5 January 2008
Episode 96 is in your hears now! New Year new job stories! Snowblowers Headphone doubles as a what Subway idiots 1 Subway idiots 2 BUSTED Is 0 positive or negative Meetings I have the inside track 4 episode until 100 folks. Thanks for listening to what I have out there thus far. Barely