8 shows until #29! Jabba the Hutt ALERT!!! I say goodbye to a new/old friend. I review the Podsafe Comedy Music Countdown. Concert Concert Concert, and did she have boobs? I NEED A CLONE!!! Late Night Birthday parties. Music in this show is from Tommy Z and the song is The Blues Has Got to [...]
Direct download: 021_Barely_Podcasting.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:34am CST

20. Barely Chicagoland Podcasters Meetup (Part 1) – Voice Mail (206) 984-3675 Gabber Jaw. Contact me at: Website: www.BarelyPodcasting.com e-Mail Barely@BarelyPodcasting.com Voice Mail: (206) 666-2660 Skype: Barely
Direct download: 020_Barely_Podcasting.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:47am CST

Hey everyone, I am working on episode 20 as we speak. I was going to be editing it today, but forgot a cable, so it looks like tonight I will get that going. It is going to be a long episode, so this is your warning. I have over an hour of unedited audio, but [...]
Category:general -- posted at: 3:05pm CST

Hey everyone, I am working on episode 20 as we speak.  I was going to be editing it today, but forgot a cable, so it looks like tonight I will get that going.  It is going to be a long episode, so this is your warning.  I have over an hour of unedited audio, but there is a lot I need to cut out (a lot of it is where I am repeating and other stuff like that).  I will probably have 20 minutes cut out, but it is still looking to be a much longer show.  Hopefully I will have that out tonight (Tuesday).

Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:05am CST

Direct download: 06ChatBuffet.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm CST

Intro from Adrian from The Gas Weird Neighbors: They turn me in They don't move in Their AC Guy Flooding the neighborhood Accepting Packages Taking my car in for work and my cheep rental I review The Twisted Pickle My wife is helping the show! Listener love Music from Blackboard Jungle, the song is Chicago [...]
Direct download: 019_Barely_Podcasting.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:28pm CST

Direct download: 05ChatBuffet.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm CST

A dork, geek, former party guy, and a father telling all about life from his demented perspective.

E-Mail: Barely@BarelyPodcasting.com
NEW Voice Mail: (206) 984-DORK (3675)

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