5. Barely Understanding Children’s Shows – Voice Mail (206) 984-3675 Politicians saying I won't be taken alive; Dr. Who is back! Double standards; Why do I have to work on the joke material?! Thanks for listening, and I got a FRAPPR FRIEND!!!
Direct download: 005_Barely_Podcasting.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:10pm CST

Episode 4 Wierd questions at work; Men doing last minute shopping at the mall; Gotta love the Podcast community; Farts that can kill! Oh that is just too much going on to keep in just one podcast. Life is something that just can't stop making me saying, what the............?
Direct download: 004_Barely_Podcasting.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:48pm CST

Where is Episode 3? I have removed this episode because this show was crap. I won't torchure anyone else with it.
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:43pm CST

This episode was removed because it was CRAP audio. Sorry about that. I won't torchure anyone else with this episode
Category:general -- posted at: 9:47pm CST

Welcome to the Barely Podcasting Web Site. I am setting up everything, so soon I will have my podcast here as well. I have recorded two shows (three if you include the deleted show that was just terrible and was re-recorded). Again welcome and soon you will be hearing me! Barely
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:07am CST

Today, all about office pools, Jerome Bettis and Sadaam Hussein? MIL perfume. Enjoy
Direct download: 002_Barely_Podcasting.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:11pm CST

Episode 1. Hopefully this will work. I am playing with my iRiver for the first time. Thanks Nate and Di as well as Corby from the Twisted Pickle. Click here to download Episode 1.
Direct download: 001_Barely_Podcasting.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:15pm CST

My updated promo, it also kinda stinks as well, but it is mine.
Direct download: 000.02Barely_Promo.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:02am CST

My first promo. All the information in here is wrong now. Oh well, at least I updated it in the newer promo
Direct download: Barely_Promo.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:01am CST

A dork, geek, former party guy, and a father telling all about life from his demented perspective.

E-Mail: Barely@BarelyPodcasting.com
NEW Voice Mail: (206) 984-DORK (3675)

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