Hey everyone! I am doing my NaPodPoMo 2010 Recap. Really kind of a brain dump, but after 30 episodes in 30 days, I figured I should do it. BARELY INTRO: Shelly from App Store Pundit Just the recap. Thanks for listening. Important Links Website: BarelyPodcasting.com eMail: Barely@BarelyPodcasting.com Voicemail: (206) 984-3675 iPhone/iPod Touch App: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=364615032&mt=8 Android [...]
Direct download: 179Barely.mp3
Category:NaPodPoMo 2010 -- posted at: 9:33pm CST

A dork, geek, former party guy, and a father telling all about life from his demented perspective.

E-Mail: Barely@BarelyPodcasting.com
NEW Voice Mail: (206) 984-DORK (3675)

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